

Babel Fish
Sapience level Non-sapient
Diet Brainwaves

More Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy species

Babel Fish are a very peculiar species, described as probably the oddest things in the universe. This parasitic leech-like life form buries itself into the ears of sapient hosts where it survives by feeding on the brainwaves emitted by other creatures. As it processes these brainwaves, the Babel Fish feeds on the unconscious frequencies while excreting the conscious frequencies into the brain of its host. This activity allows the host to instantly comprehend what other creatures are saying, no matter what language they speak in.

Relationship with other species[]

The use of the Babel Fish is widespread among many sapient species of the galaxy, which use this creature as a living universal translator. Inserting a Babel Fish into one's ear will allow any space traveler to instantly comprehend alien languages.

Due to removing the barriers to communication between countless different cultures, the Babel Fish has been indirectly responsible for a great number of wars.


  • This species is named after the mythical Tower of Babel.